Saturday, June 26, 2010

I love my Family really I do..

So, I've had alot of things to blog about lately but I've been to lazy. I was gunna post this as my status but, I decided I couldn't get out everything I felt about this situation so here goes. I love my family, but I really think some of them are crazy. I understand people and religion, but as far as I'm concerned as long as I believe I don't have to go to church. I'm not against church at all, if you go that's great. I have a problem with what some people in "my" family get out of church, and I think this is the real reason I chose not to go. My moms side comes from a really religious family stick to the book about everything. With that being said.. today at my little cousins open house. His dad my older cousin is approached by my grandma, and she proceeds to tell him that you should only get married once and that its horrible to divorce someone. Well, his ex wife cheated on him and I need not say more. Needless to say they are getting divorced, and have both moved on. So, he has his new girlfriend there at the open house and my grandma thinks its wrong. Okay, well how many people in our family have kids and aren't married?!? How many people in our family have been divorced?!? LET IT GO ALREADY! This is 2010. I've never heard anything to my face about how horrible I am cause I had a baby and I'm not married. But, O boys are more important then girls in our family, so it must be okay for me because I had a boy. Some of these people in my family are so damn judgemental, and how is that being a good christian??? Don't think god approves of that. I could go on about so many other situations, but I'm good with this for now


  1. Bout time you blogged.
    I totally agree with you. Your relationship with God is between you and God, I know plenty of church goers that think just because they go to church they can live their lives however they choose, so not true.

  2. Yeah at 5 years old I was told I was going to hell. ANd thats by a christian that goes to church at least twice a week.
